What Were Three Agreements Made in the Treaty of Paris

The Treaty of Paris is a landmark agreement that was signed on September 3, 1783. The treaty marked the end of the American Revolutionary War and recognized the United States as an independent nation. In this article, we will explore the three key agreements made in the Treaty of Paris.

1. Recognition of American Independence

One of the most important agreements in the Treaty of Paris was the acknowledgment of the United States as an independent nation by Great Britain. The treaty recognized the thirteen colonies as the new, sovereign United States of America, ending the long conflict that began in 1775.

2. Borders of the United States

The Treaty of Paris also established the territorial boundaries of the United States. The treaty recognized the Mississippi River as the Western border of the nation, which meant that the United States now owned the entire Ohio River Valley. Additionally, Great Britain agreed to withdraw its troops from the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River, which was known as the Northwest Territory.

3. Fishing Rights

The Treaty of Paris also addressed the issue of fishing rights. The treaty granted American fishermen access to the Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland, which was a major fishing ground. Previously, American fishermen had been barred from fishing in these waters, but the treaty allowed them to participate in the lucrative industry.

In conclusion, the Treaty of Paris marked a significant turning point in American history. The agreement recognized American independence, established territorial boundaries, and granted fishing rights, among other provisions. The Treaty of Paris is an enduring symbol of the triumph of the American spirit and the fight for liberty and self-determination.