TDI addresses this question on its website: Federal law states that carriers must offer premiums on a per-member basis,…
Author Eric Johnson
Questions & Answers
Are carriers required to offer premiums on a composite basis to all small employers (or can the carrier offer composite on groups of 10+ and only offer member-level rates on groups of 2 to 9)?
Questions & Answers
Are “one-person groups” allowed in the state of Texas? (If so, are carriers required to accept them?)
Texas considers a small group to be one with two or more eligible employees, and does not seem to require…
Questions & Answers
Are carriers required to accept husband and wife groups if there are no other employees?
TDI addresses this question on its website: Guaranteed Issuance and Renewability for Mom and Pop Groups (expanded December 1,…
Questions & Answers
If a company with a small group plan grows to more than 50 employees, can it keep small group coverage?
Yes, once a group has a small group plan, it can keep it as long as it keeps renewing the…
Questions & Answers
Can small employers have an “orientation period” or require employees to work a certain number of hours before offering them health coverage?
Yes! There can be a reasonable orientation period before the waiting period begins. Under the final regulations, a group health…
Questions & Answers
What is the maximum new hire waiting period in the small group market?
PHS Act section 2708 provides that, for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, a group health plan…